SmoothAlert Documentation

SmoothAlert is a versatile JavaScript library for creating animated alerts, modals, and toast notifications. With SmoothAlert, you can customize messages with titles, buttons, images, animations, colors, positioning, and advanced styling using customStyles.


To get started, add SmoothAlert by including this script in the <head> section of your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>

Basic Alert Usage

Use smoothAlert for simple alerts. For quick access, call alert() as a shortcut:

smoothAlert({ message: 'Welcome to SmoothAlert!' });

To globally replace the default alert() function, you can use:

alert('This uses SmoothAlert by default!');

Advanced Alert with Modal Options

Create custom modals by configuring smoothAlert with options such as title, buttons, customStyles for styling specific elements, and more.

Custom Modal with Title, Image, and Action Buttons

  title: 'Notice',
  message: 'This is a custom modal alert with multiple actions!',
  imageUrl: '',
  colors: { background: '#6366f1', textColor: '#ffffff' },
  buttons: [
      label: 'Yes', 
      color: '#10b981', 
      action: (modal) => {
      label: 'No', 
      color: '#ef4444', 
      action: closeSmoothAlert 
  customStyles: {
    title: { color: "orange", fontSize: "2em" },
    image: { borderRadius: "8px", width: "100%" },
    button: { backgroundColor: "#8e00ff" }

Advanced Example: Using Native JavaScript Functions in Actions

You can integrate any native JavaScript functions into the action property of smoothAlert buttons. Here’s an example that shows how to use console.log and window.location.href for button actions:

  title: 'JavaScript Actions',
  message: 'Explore different actions using JavaScript functions.',
  buttons: [
      label: 'Log Message', 
      color: '#3b82f6', 
      action: () => console.log('Log Button Clicked!') 
      label: 'Go to Google', 
      color: '#f59e0b', 
      action: () => window.location.href = '' 
      label: 'Close', 
      color: '#ef4444', 
      action: closeSmoothAlert 
  customStyles: {
    title: { color: "#6b7280", fontSize: "1.8em" },
    message: { fontSize: "1.1em", color: "#374151" },

Options Reference: smoothAlert

The smoothAlert function offers numerous customization options to tailor your alert's design and behavior:

Toast Notifications

Use the toast function to create brief notifications with options for colors, duration, and animations.

Simple Toast

toast('This is a simple toast notification!');

Customizable Toast with Progress Bar and Close Button

toast('Customizable toast message!', {
  duration: 5000,
  backgroundColor: '#6366f1',
  textColor: '#ffffff',
  position: 'bottom-right',
  closeButton: true,
  progressBar: true,
  progressBarColor: '#10b981',
  customStyles: {
    toast: { borderRadius: "10px" }

Options Reference: toast